Frequently Asked Questions

Don't hesitate to contact us if your question isn't answered below.

How long does the coaching programme take?

The length of the programme varies based on the timeline and needs of the client.  Ideally the programme will continue over several weeks to ensure we have thoroughly prepared you with the skills and knowledge to secure your next role.   If however you have a job you want to apply for and need to get your application in then we can fast track to meet deadlines.

Can you help me with just my CV?

Career Forward offers a career coaching programme that imparts the skills and knowledge for you to secure your ideal next role.  It is much more than "tweaking" a CV.  If you require CV layout assistance you will find many providers on the internet.

What if I don't know what I want to do in my career?

This is one of the most common reasons clients engage in a career coaching programme with Career Forward.  The coaching programme takes you through exercises that assist in defining what is next for you.  Importantly the programme provides you with the confidence and guidance to seek out a role or career direction that aligns with your values and what you want from your career. 

How do I know the coaching programme will be successful for me?

There are many clients of Career Forward who have undertaken the programme and secured a new role, new career or opportunity.  The methodology works.  If you follow the process the chances of you securing your next opportunity increase signficantly.

How does this programme differ from others?

The Career Forward coaching programme is designed for each individual and provides the unique skills and knowledge each person needs to be successful in their next career opportunity.  The programme provides skills and knowledge that you can use throughout your career to secure new opportunities.

What if the programme doesn't meet my expectations?

Career Forward is committed to working with you, coaching you to ensure you have the skills, experience and importantly the confidence to secure your next career opportunity.  If however it does not meet your expectations there is a 100% money back guarantee.